Fashion designer Rachel Zoe experienced a devastating time when her son survived an accident during a ski lift. The 9-year-old child met with an accident in Colorado last weekend.
Rachel Zoe son Skyler fortunately didn’t have major injuries
Zoe said that Skyler, her son, was in the hospital after the incident happened. He had minor injuries. Skyler met with the unfortunate event around Aspen on Sunday.
The 9-year-old Zoe’s son toppled over while being on a ski lift. According to Zoe, the fault was of the ski lift operator. Despite Rodger Berman, the husband of Rachel Zoe, screaming to halt the lift, the operator did not respond. He could have stopped the machine as apparently, he had seen Skyler not being on from the start itself.
Aspen Skiing Company’s spokesperson clarified having safety
Aspen Skiing Company’s spokesperson Jeff Hanle said to BBC News that the accident took place in the beginner area. The name of the area around the mountain is the West Buttermilk ski area. They had immediately responded to the accident and took him to the hospital. The ESPN Winter X Games occur there frequently.
He added that the boy fell from 20 feet. The major set back would have happened the pads not been beneath the chair. Ski patrol saved the worse scenario and prevented the much more severe injuries to the designer’s son.
Rachel Zoe in absolute shock after her son’s accident
Rachel and her beau Rodger felt absolute shock. It seemed like a miracle to them that their son is safe and healthy. They extended their gratitude to the rescue team of Aspen ski company, calling them the heroes.
Rachel Zoe thanked everyone for supporting them through this difficult time
The American celebrity stylist is thankful to all the friends, fans for their constant support. She asked to bless her son and love him more for getting a new life.
“The Rachel Zoe Project” star said that her son showed immense bravery even after the accident. She and her husband were in a panic. They only stared at him and kissed him. She asked everyone to hug their children more times as they are very precious gifts to any parents.