On Wednesday, July 22, Kim Kardashian of Keeping Up With The Kardashians took to her social media platform to express her feelings. She started by telling people about Kanye West suffering from bipolar disorder. So, whoever is suffering from the same, or has a close one go through it will understand how it is. Dealing with a bipolar disorder is very difficult, and the person suffering must be respected for that kind of struggle.
The Grammy winner added that she has never felt the need to come out in public about her husband’s mental health. It is because the well-being of her children, and the privacy of her husband, Kanye, is of utmost importance to her. However, it is unfortunate that there are so many misconceptions and stigmas attached to the notion of mental health.
Kim continued her statement saying that everyone who understands mental health, illness, or the term compulsive behavior will know what she is talking about. She feels helpless about the fact that the family of someone who is suffering from mental health issues is completely helpless. Unless the person is a minor, there is no way in which you can help him.
In this case, the person facing issues has to come up and express their problems with others. Otherwise, it becomes pretty difficult to judge and understand what the person is exactly going through. Besides, he has to get up and indulge in activities that help him stay calm.
Kim Kardashian upset about Kanye facing criticism
As a part of her post, Kim Kardashian takes the opportunity to express her understanding of why her husband Kanye West faces criticism compared to others. Of course, it is because Kanye is a celebrity and therefore a public figure. So, whatever he does may cause strong emotions and opinions among the public. However, the pressure on the man is sometimes too much. As it is there is the responsibility of being a celebrity and an entertainer. On top of that there is a permanent trauma about being a black man, and even more, now that he has lost his mother.
Above everything else, it is a painful situation when people pressurize Kanye with their opinions and comments regarding his bipolar disorder. Kim adds that she and other people who are close to Kanye know that his intentions are not bad every time he says something that sounds inappropriate. The problem is that the man sometimes cannot find an alignment of his thoughts with what he says.
The 39-year old TV star Kim Kardashian then goes on to praise her husband more. She says that living with mental health issues is not easy. However, that does not by any means invalidate or diminish Kanye’s creative ideas, and big dreams. Although a lot of people may feel like the dreams are unachievable and unreal, they sure do make Kanye feel better. She says that her husband is nothing short of a genius. It is evident by how he has made some of those impossible dreams come true as no one else can.
Privacy and understanding of mental health
After talking about her husband’s life, she shifted to the topic of privacy and understanding. She says that presently, people in society talk about gracefully accepting mental health issues. However, it is more important to show the same to a person who is truly suffering from these, because they need our support the most. Finally, she urged the media to empathize with them, and try to be a bit more compassionate towards them. These are the only things that can help a family get over the basic problem. Plus, she expressed her gratitude to everyone concerned about West’s health and well-being.
Kanye West is quite arrogant
Earlier, Kanye posted several messages on Twitter talking about his mother-in-law Kris Jenner, and wife, Kim. Most of the tweets seemed out of context, and have also been deleted. In his posts, Kanye spoke about visiting a doctor, and his wish to divorce his wife. He also said that things were not the same after Kim met Meek Mill and that he has no problem if they both see each other. However, sources say that Kanye is quite out of his senses, and has no idea of what he is talking about. Apart from family issues, there were posts about his Presidential run, and Donda, his upcoming album. Presently, Kanye is staying in Wyoming at one of his family homes.
Sources close to the family confirmed that Kim has been trying to privately help her husband recover for quite a few months now. However, Kanye seems to be quite arrogant and does not take matters seriously. Kim has also asked him to get back to Los Angeles for further treatment, but he is in denial. The source also adds that the entire situation is making Kim upset and concerned. Amidst all of this, fans are pouring in good wishes for the rapper. West has been quite casual about his mental health issues for quite a few years.
Kanye West opens up about Bi-Polar disorder
Kanye spoke about his bipolar disorder issue quite openly to David Letterman when the latter invited him to his show on Netflix, My Next Guest Needs No Introduction. During the interview, West said that the term Bi in Bi-polar associates it with something like a split personality. He added that the later term suits him since he is a Gemini. He spoke more about his diagnosis that happened back in 2017-2018.
Then he also opened up about his visit to the hospital in 2016 when he suffered from exhaustion. From the whole conversation, it became clear that Kanye is cool about his problem, and that maybe makes it more difficult to handle. According to the close source, Kim has always been upset about how her husband is too casual about such medical issues. What is more unfortunate is that all her efforts are almost a waste because Kanye does not seem to reciprocate to her in this case.